Blogs & Articles
Dive into our insightful blogs, where we share valuable tips and expert advice on various financial topics.
Everything You Need To Know About Roth Conversions
The idea of a Roth conversion is intriguing to a lot of people, and for some people it can be a great strategy to enact. Let’s explore the concept…
All About The Benjamins – Is “Cash” Good Or Bad?
Of course, we all want a healthy bank account. Having a good amount of dollars within easy grasp is helpful in the case of emergencies or for medium-sized purchases where you don’t want to have to liquidate assets. But is it counterproductive to have too much cash on hand? We’ll explore that idea and other pressing questions about the role that cash plays in financial and retirement planning.
IRA Limits & Emails
We discuss the limit increases to 401ks and IRA as well as answer questions from listeners here in the Orlando and Bradenton area.
Which Excuses Keep You From Retiring?
Sometimes people say they don’t want to retire…and sometimes they really mean it. Other times it’s just a defense mechanism to compensate for the fact that they feel like they can’t retire. So let’s explore some of the possible meanings behind the statement, “I don’t want to retire.”
Mailbag Show
On today’s episode, we answer some of our listeners questions that have come in from the month of December.
Top 5 Social Security Misunderstandings
Myths, rumors, and misunderstandings are pervasive in the world of Social Security. On this show, we’ll look to clear up the top 5 misunderstandings about Social Security.
Finding Silver Linings In Unfortunate Financial Situations
Not everything goes smoothly in your financial life. We’ll look at some negative circumstances that many retirees and pre-retirees face and help you find the silver lining in the midst of tough situations.
The Bucket Plan with Jason Smith, Part 2
We continue our conversation from last time with Jason Smith. Today we look at how the bucket plan would hold up in an event like the 2008 market crash and when you should think about refilling your buckets.
The Bucket Plan with Jason Smith, Part 1
On today’s podcast, we are joined by Jason Smith who is the chairman of Prosperity Capital and author of The Bucket Plan. We discuss how Jason got started with the bucket plan concept and his ideologies surrounding this type of planning.
Paychecks & Playchecks with Tom Hegna
On this week’s podcast, we sit down with well-known financial author and speaker, Tom Hegna. Tom discusses his book Paychecks & Playchecks and different methods that can generate a lifetime income stream.
The Mailbag Show
We dedicate this week’s podcast to questions from our listeners that we have received from our website.
Excuses Why You’re Working With The Wrong Advisor
Very often we see a broker, or advisor who’s doing a less than stellar job, but folks continue to work with him, or her simply because they feel that he, or she is a nice guy/gal. Let’s talk about the ridiculousness of actual statements we’ve heard from clients and why it’s important for people to get help and advice that they really need, instead of just maintaining a relationship for strictly personal reasons.