Sep 5, 2019 | Financial Planning, Podcast, Retirement
Some people (in fact, probably most people) find it easy to procrastinate when it comes to financial planning issues. But let’s talk about some scenarios that might cause people to have a bit more sense of urgency…
Aug 15, 2019 | Podcast, Retirement
Your 401k can be your most powerful retirement savings tool. But it’s not perfect. Let’s talk about some of the weaknesses that you should be aware of in your 401k (or 403b…or TSP…or 457 plan)
Jul 3, 2019 | Podcast, Taxes
This week, we’ll continue our earlier discussions about the oncoming tax train that is headed our way. Let the Roth Guy help get you prepped so you can have peace of mind about how taxes will affect your retirement future.
Jun 20, 2019 | Financial Planning, Podcast
Hopefully your famous last words in life won’t be “Hey y’all, watch this!” And in the financial world, there’s quite a few phrases that you don’t want to be your famous last words either…