Blogs & Articles

Dive into our insightful blogs, where we share valuable tips and expert advice on various financial topics.

20/20 Hindsight

Just like any decision in life, making financial choices would be a lot easier with the benefit of hindsight. Let’s talk about some of the things we might hear from people who wish they’d done things differently after looking in the rear view mirror.

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Generosity And Prosperity With Dr. Neecie

This week Dr. Neecie joins us on the podcast. She is currently the president of Life Coaching Institute and she also holds a Doctorate of Psychology from the University of Texas. It can be easy to be generous when the market is thriving, but we need to be generous during rough times like these as well. Today we discuss how generosity and prosperity are linked and some of the positive side effects of generosity.

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The 5-Rule Market Crash Survival Guide

So, we’ve all experienced what a market crash feels like in recent memory. If you had forgotten what it felt like in 2008, then 2020 should have been a sobering reminder of what it’s like to experience that sudden market drop. However, we can do follow some basic rules to ensure we don’t lose our shirts next time the arrow on the graph tumbles down.

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Good Intentions, Wrong Advice

We were planning to bring up this conversation before the Coronavirus pandemic hit, but now it’s more important than ever to discuss. You likely seek financial advice from lots of difference sources. Some of those sources will certainly have good intentions, but they’ll often give bad financial advice. Let’s look at some examples and explore the reasons why we have to be very careful from whom we’re taking this important guidance.

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In wake of the financial impacts COVID-19 has had on the economy, Congress just passed a bill called the CARES Act. We talk about some of the things retirees and pre-retirees may need to know about the CARES Act as well as offer a free download to read through on our topic.

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The Worst Financial Product

OK, so there might not be such a thing as a “bad financial product”, but there are certainly inappropriate investments out there for people in certain situations. We’ll explore some examples of those kinds of situations on this episode and you might be surprised just how common it is for people to be invested in products that are ill-suited for their financial goals.

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Solid Financial Truths

A lot of things in the financial landscape have an “it depends” resolution. It can be frustrating when things are so fluid and vary person to person. So, let’s discuss some financial truths that we can state with confidence and see what we can learn from them.

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