The Retirement Diet: Fixing Unhealthy Financial Habits

The Retirement Diet: Fixing Unhealthy Financial Habits

We all know some of the basic secrets of eating healthier to lose weight, limit disease, and live longer. Avoid empty calories, try to limit your added sugar, and lower those pesky trans fats are just some examples. But how can we spot similar unhealthy habits in the...
Murky Issues That Make Retirement Planning Harder

Murky Issues That Make Retirement Planning Harder

This USA Today article points out 3 murky issues that increase retirement planning’s degree of difficulty, especially in today’s economic climate. On this episode, we’ll break down the article to see if it’s worthwhile advice if the murky issues are actually that...
How Children Become Part Of The Retirement Discussion

How Children Become Part Of The Retirement Discussion

If you have kids, often they come up in the discussion when you’re talking about your retirement plans. Let’s talk about some of the ways those discussions play out, the role your advisor should play in navigating these conversations, and the overall impact on you and...
Retirement Potpourri: Fill In The Blank

Retirement Potpourri: Fill In The Blank

Time for a little fun on this episode. We’ll use some fill in the blank prompts to spark good discussion about relationships between advisors and their clients, the stock market, common planning mistakes, and much more.