Going Against The Grain

Going Against The Grain

Being a good advisor isn’t about winning a popularity contest or just saying the same things that everyone else in the industry says. It’s about giving the best advice that you can for each individual situation. On today’s show, we’re going to peel back the curtain to...
Inflation and Recession with Glenn Dorsey

Inflation and Recession with Glenn Dorsey

We have a special guest on the show today, Glenn Dorsey. Glenn serves as the Senior Vice President and Head of Client Portfolio Management for Clark Capital Management Group. He is responsible for portfolio construction and the clear communication of investment...
Top 9 Financial Debates, Part 1

Top 9 Financial Debates, Part 1

We are kicking off a two part series discussing some of the major debates for pre retirees and retirees. Tune in for part 1 of this conversation.
From The Peanut Gallery: Can I Retire At 55?

From The Peanut Gallery: Can I Retire At 55?

A recent Yahoo! Finance article explored the idea of retiring early at the age of 55 to see if it was feasible. We’ll break down some of the issues facing folks who want to retire early on this episode, but for some additional fun let’s look at the comment section to...