Little Missed Details

Let’s talk about some of the details that people often fail to consider when they’re planning their retirement.

50 Shades Of Gray Area

Not everything in financial planning is black and white. In fact, most things aren’t black and white—there’s usually a lot of gray area. Let’s identify some of the issues that usually require a nuanced discussion.

Episode #10: Risk Tolerance

Any advisor worth his or her salt is going to have a conversation with you about risk. But what in the world is “risk tolerance”? It’s a buzzword that gets used a lot in meetings with financial advisors, but we’ve found that a lot of people don’t have a great...

What It’s Like To Be A Client

We often talk on the podcasts about what it’s like to become a client. But what about after a month? A year? Let’s talk about what the short and long-term relationships should look like between an investor and a financial advisor.


On this episode we take questions from listeners all over Florida. We’ll discuss safe investing versus growth, identifying fiduciary advisors, and more.