In wake of the financial impacts COVID-19 has had on the economy, Congress just passed a bill called the CARES Act. We talk about some of the things retirees and pre-retirees may need to know about the CARES Act as well as offer a free download to read through on our...

The Worst Financial Product

OK, so there might not be such a thing as a “bad financial product”, but there are certainly inappropriate investments out there for people in certain situations. We’ll explore some examples of those kinds of situations on this episode and you might be surprised just...

Solid Financial Truths

A lot of things in the financial landscape have an “it depends” resolution. It can be frustrating when things are so fluid and vary person to person. So, let’s discuss some financial truths that we can state with confidence and see what we can learn from...

All About The Benjamins – Is “Cash” Good Or Bad?

Of course, we all want a healthy bank account. Having a good amount of dollars within easy grasp is helpful in the case of emergencies or for medium-sized purchases where you don’t want to have to liquidate assets. But is it counterproductive to have too much cash on...